

Montrie Rucker Adams

Montrie Rucker Adams

Overcoming limiting beliefs

Photo left to right: Montrie Rucker Adams, competitors—March 31, 2012.

I was too young to know why, but from those few visits, I decided that a successful business owner is what I wanted to become. I carried that feeling for years, not acting on it, but always thinking about it. Each career move I made, the thought was always there.

After over 25 years, the doors of Visibility Marketing Inc. opened. It was as if a weight had been lifted. I must admit that the fears, apprehensions, insecurities and the “not-knowings,” did not completely go away. When I lost my job, those circumstances gave me the added push to do what I always wanted.

Competing in a bodybuilding contest was another long-held dream. I had just turned 20 when a car accident introduced me to the world of physical therapy and weight training. I was hooked.

I was fascinated watching  those men and women transform their bodies. “Wow,” I’d think. “I want to do that.”  It would be 30 years before I would overcome the fears, insecurities, apprehensions and limiting beliefs that prevented me from competing.

Both “dreams” were not without their trials. Running a business requires long hours, disappointments, setbacks and sacrifice. Competing requires hard work, discipline, diligence and sacrifice.

In both cases, the satisfaction far outweighs the sacrifice.

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