


1. What is the objective of the stories?

There are two objectives. One is to profile a few of the stories into a book. The other is to share, inspire and encourage.

2. Will I be paid for my story?

No. When you agree to tell  your story, there is no monetary compensation. The compensation is in knowing you helped inspire someone else to accomplish a long held goal or “dream.”

3.  Are my photos secure?

We will do everything possible to ensure your photos are secure. However, sharing information on JDYD is no different from sharing photos on any other social media site such as Istagram, Pinterest, Facebook or LinkedIn. By giving us your photo(s), you are giving us permission to use it on our site for the world to see.

4. How will I know if I’m chosen for the book?

We will contact you for more in-depth information than what can be provided on the site.

5. When will the book be available?

We are not sure. We hope that the response is such that it will be available in 2015.

6. How can I get in touch with you?

Use the contact form. Someone will get back to you within  24 hours.

Read the disclaimer.