

TimKK 005

Tim Brown – Educator, Author

I always wanted to write a book. For years, I have worked with youth as a teacher and coach. My passion is empowering young people, especially boys, to reach their full potential in education and in life.

My dream is to see people live uncommon in a common world—to live a life of purpose and significance, to leave a legacy of greatness for the next generation and hold each other accountable to a higher standard.

In the poem A Dream Deferred written in the 1930s during the Harlem Renaissance period, African American poet Langston Hughes asked the question, ‘What happens to a dream deferred?’

That question is still asked today. What happens to the dreams of millions of children in our inner cities who are locked in the vicious cycles of poverty, teenage mothers, single mothers, fatherless homes, and inferior opportunities?

I have a dream that these children in spite of their circumstances would rise above them and achieve the American Dream.

I have a dream that their dream would not be deferred, but would be reformed, would be reshaped by their faith in God, that they can do all things through Christ who gives them strength.

I have a dream that young boys all over this country would be taught and encouraged to take the path less traveled and not use the excuses that they are ‘just boys’ and ‘boys will be boys.’


I have a Dream that my book Boys Won’t Be Boys will become that movement that would start young boys on the path to becoming responsible sons, responsible fathers, responsible husbands, and responsible leaders and examples for the next generation to follow.

I have a dream that the Boys Won’t Be Boys project will be taught in schools, churches, and young men conferences all over this country.

I have a dream that the lessons in the book: Protect Your Name, Being an UnCommon Young Man, Respect for Elders, Young Man of Character and Integrity, will become a positive way of life for young boys all over this country.

I have a dream that we will see a new sense of hope and positive influences in our Boys as they desire not to be the best athlete, entertainer, reality TV star, but instead be the best student, be the best school leader, be the best gentleman, and be the next great leader.

I have a dream that the dreams of the dreamers will not be deferred but instead will explode with hope and increased opportunity for even greater success.

My lifelong dream as a published author has finally been realized, and I hope my dreams for boys and young men will be too.

To learn more about Tim and his dream, click here.

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